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Hit and Run Accident Attorneys
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    Hit and Run Accident Attorneys

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    Hit and Run Accident Attorneys

    Hit and run accidents can be extremely frustrating, but our hit and run accident attorneys can help. At Battaglia, Ross, Dicus & McQuaid, P.A. we regularly help people injured in Florida accidents. We deal with insurance companies and law enforcement to either find the responsible people and/or find sources to get you compensation.

    Hit and Run Accident Attorneys Led by Experience

    Our hit and run accident attorney team of Sean McQuaid, Jonathon W. Douglas and Aubrey Dicus are recognized by their peers, courts and community as premier lawyers in Personal Injury Law. All three are designated as Florida Super Lawyers, among their multiple awards and recognitions. Sean is the President of the St. Petersburg Bar Association for 2020-21

    Our firm has been providing exceptional legal assistance to the Tampa Bay area for over 60 years and is ranked by US News and World Reports as a Tier 1 Law Firm.

    If you or a loved one have been the victim of a hit and run accident, contact us today for a free consultation.

    What Are Hit and Run Accidents?

    In Florida, a hit and run accident is when a driver fails to stop and remain at the scene of an accident. The classic example is someone driving away after hitting a pedestrian, but it covers all types of collisions, including property damage.

    In 2020, Florida had over 92,000 Hit and Run accidents with nearly 5,000 occurring in Pinellas County.

    Under Florida law, drivers must fulfill their statutory duties of:

    • Immediately stopping the vehicle at the scene of the crash or safely nearby.
    • Providing aid to the extent possible to victims of the accident.
    • Provide the following information to the involved parties and/or law enforcement:
      • Name
      • Address
      • Vehicle registration number
      • Driver’s license information

    Types of Hit and Run Accidents:

    Bodily Injury or Death

    Bodily injuries can be life-changing and require expensive medical bills that can affect you for years. Similarly, fatalities are heartbreaking and deserve to be compensated as best as possible.

    In 2020, 20,968 people were injured in Florida from hit and run accidents, with a further 264 killed. These are often caused by car-on-car collisions or accidents involving pedestrians.

    As of 2022, Florida law requires all drivers to carry Bodily-injury liability insurance for:

    • Bodily injury of one person in any accident of $25,000
    • AND $50,000 for two or more people in any one accident.

    Property Damage

    Although less severe, property damage hit and runs are still a crime and can leave the other party left to pay expensive damages. Common examples of property damage hit and runs include collisions with parked cars, bicycles or property barriers.

    What if I’ve Been the Victim in a Hit and Run Accident?

    In the immediate aftermath of a hit and run accident, you should:

    • Seek medical attention as soon as possible, either by calling 911 or by requesting help from others around you.
    • If you are also driving a vehicle, then stop your vehicle safely nearby.
    • Write down or record a voice memo of anything you can remember about the accident: the driver, the car or license plate.
    • Ask any other witnesses to provide you with their view of the events and obtain their contact information.
    • Take pictures of the accident scene and any injuries.
    • Cooperate with law enforcement and help them with their report.
    • Visit a doctor as soon as possible to document any injuries.
    • Contact a hit and run accident attorney as soon as possible.

    Possible Compensation You Can Claim For Hit and Run Accidents:

    Every car accident can be traumatic and that might leave you feeling desperate to move on. But you deserve to be covered for any damages you’ve endured. These may include:

    • Past and Future Medical bills and expenses (Since the accident and after)
    • Pain and suffering
    • Therapy costs
    • Emotional distress and mental anguish
    • Permanent injury or disability
    • Missed wages and loss of earning capacity
    • Property Damage Costs

    It’s natural to be unsure if you deserve compensation for those damages; that’s why our hit and run accident attorneys will thoroughly investigate and analyze your case.

    We’ll determine what damages have been overlooked and ensure you receive the compensation you deserve.

    Punitive Damages

    In Florida, punitive damages can be awarded in cases where the defendant driver acted recklessly, maliciously or with disregard for the safety of others.

    Punitive damages are separate from compensatory damages and can be substantial in hit and run accidents.

    What if the Hit and Run Driver Is Criminally Prosecuted?

    If the hit and run driver is found and criminally prosecuted, you may have a chance to file a claim with their insurance company.

    However, timing is crucial and must be filed within four years after the accident (or two years after a fatality).

    Our hit and run accident attorneys act fast, allowing you to focus on recovery. We remove the pressure placed on you while meeting the deadlines required.

    What if the Hit and Run Driver Is Never Found?

    Our hit and run accident attorneys always focus on identifying and locating the driver. But frustratingly, many hit-and-run criminals get away with their crimes. They drive off and escape the consequences.

    Collecting Under Your Insurance Coverage

    For you and your family, the story is far from over.

    Even while the search for the guilty party continues, you may be able to gain compensation from your own insurance company – especially if your insurance coverage includes uninsured or underinsured motorist cover.

    Personal injury protection (PIP), bodily-injury liability insurance (BI) or medical payments (MedPay) coverage may cover your medical bills and other related expenses. Alternatively,

    If you were hit on foot, then you may have to navigate multiple companies to find insurance coverage.

    Why You Need to Contact a Hit and Run Accident Attorney

    Insurance companies are armed with powerful law teams that will fight hard to hold on to their money. Time and time again, we see people regret going alone.

    They get low-balled and forced into unsatisfactory compensation fees that leave them unable to recover adequately.

    The best route to a successful outcome is to contact a hit and run accident attorney. They’ll handle insurance companies and legal paperwork for you, so you can recover as soon as possible.

    Free Consultations With Hit and Run Accident Attorneys

    At Battaglia, Ross, Dicus & McQuaid, P.A, we understand the difficult time you might be having following a hit and run accident. We work tirelessly to ensure every victim receives the highest possible compensation for their damages.

    We offer free consultations for anyone in need of a hit and run accident attorney. Call Sean McQuaid, Jonathon W. Douglas or Aubrey Dicus at (727) 381-2300 if you need legal assistance or have any questions.

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    Since 1958, your family, friends, and neighbors have trusted us to handle all types of personal injury cases. Our firm has earned a reputation in the community and with the insurance companies that we are the best in the business. You can be assured that our lawyers will put your best interests first. We aren’t going anywhere and would be honored if you trusted us with this important decision.

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